Vancouver Implant Continuum


Specialty: Implant Dentistry – Surgical/Prosthetic
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia (UBC Oral Health Centre / AMS Nest, University of British Columbia)
CE Credit hours: 56 [clinical], 112 [didactic]

Main Website:

The mission of Canadian Dental Implant Training Centre [CDITC] is to foster excellence in clinicians, to skillfully provide oral implantology services in a safe, effective, and profitable manner. A framework for life-long learning will be developed through a comprehensive foundation built on the understanding of the history, fundamental sciences, and current standard of care in oral implantology.

The Vancouver Implant Continuum study clubs are advanced surgical study clubs under the Vancouver MaxiCourse® umbrella. The optional lecture is similar to the exposure you had in the MaxiCourse (though our program is updated each year based on your feedback). All surgeries will be mentored and supervised by board-certified oral implantologist faculty members.

The key advancement in our Implant Continuum is an increased focus on critical thinking in the field of oral implantology and the study of current research and scientific literature. A more thorough understanding of treatment options, possible surgical complications, and expected outcomes will be examined as a group; this will include a higher level of patient documentation, the goal being to create evidence to assist in making future decisions on treatment options – evidence-based dental practice. The seminar-based discussions will be introduced once or twice during the year.

Prerequisites for both study clubs:
Participants must have completed an AAID MaxiCourse® program prior to registration in the Implant Continuum.
Our Goals for You:
  1. Reinforce the learning you received in the MaxiCourse by offering any and all lectures to you, to revisit and refresh your minds.
  2. Reinforce your surgical anatomy knowledge by offering the December module for you to attend.
  3. Refine your surgical skills by engaging in more challenging surgeries, as you continue to push your own personal surgical envelope.
  4. Fine-tune your treatment planning skills and preparedness and foster your confidence and growing independence in advanced implant treatment.
Benefits of joining the VIC:
  • A smaller, more intimate gathering for case discussion, critique, and clinical observation – typically one mentor per 6 colleagues.
  • Continuity & consistency of continuing education – continue to build your skills under the same high standards and treatment philosophy and with the guidance of mentors you’ve built a relationship with.
  • Support system and camaraderie of colleagues and mentors alike.

Junior Continuum

This study club is designed for new or relatively new grads of the MaxiCourse, or those alumni who have not yet ventured into overly complex cases. Led by Dr. Jonathan Tsang and Dr. Peter Balogh [ABOI Diplomates], it consists of 5 clinical days, 3 of which are at UBC (run alongside the current MaxiCourse group) and the other 2 at Dr. Bill Liang’s office. Dr. Paul Newitt will also support this study club when needed.

This study club is open to ALL MaxiCourse alumni. We will have 4 surgeries per day.

Senior Continuum

This study club is reserved for our more experience alumni. Led by Dr. Bill Liang & Dr. Jonathan Tsang, it consists of 7 clinical days, all at Dr. Liang’s office / Canadian Dental Implant Training Centre.

This study club is open to ALL MaxiCourse alumni but is invite-only. Please either reach out to one of the mentors or one of the current members and they will connect with you.

for more information, please visit the main website,